Saturday, August 31, 2019

Faith Integration Essay

A main reason for the existence of the Christian college or university is to provide an educational environment that includes both academic subject matter and Christian knowledge. At Azusa Pacific University, the school emphasizes their motto â€Å"God First† in and out of the classroom. According to APU’s Mission Statement, APU is a â€Å"Christian community of disciples and scholars who seek to advance the work of God in the world through academic excellence in liberal arts and professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a Christian perspective of truth and life.† Christian Worldview A worldview is a set of beliefs, values, and attitudes that enable us to process new information and maintain a consistent view of reality. Through our worldview we apply the standards that allow us to make connections between what we know, what we experience, and what new knowledge claims we encounter. Our worldview supplies the interpretive framework for understanding our experiences and the events of the world, and it provides the values that form the basis for decision making. Because faith-learning integration is closely linked with judgments about what is or is not knowledge, our worldview is therefore clearly crucial to the proper functioning of faith and learning integration. Indeed, our worldview is the philosophical engine that drives the integrative process. A challenge facing Christian educators is that a Biblical worldview foundation has been taken for granted. Successful faith-learning integration is impossible for students who lack a clear and well defined Biblical worldview. The unity of truth—including academic and Biblical or theological truth—is at the heart of integration. The construction of a Biblical worldview must be an ongoing process. It must be built and added in to every course. Christian Worldview forms the basis for decision making. Decisions are based on criteria, which are themselves based on values, which are part of one’s worldview. The Christian worldview provides the necessary basis for science. A worldview is the particular bias  in our presuppositions that influences how you look at the world and what we see or expect to see. A person’s worldview influences what they expect to see and how they explain things. For instance, two people can observe the identical event and explain it differently based on the bias of their worldview. A Christian worldview can be defined as a single worldview that all Christians share and can be deemed as core theology or the theology that most all Christians agree upon, which is a short list. Wesleyan Quadrilateral The Wesleyan Quadrilateral is a four-source system of theological reflection that forms the core beliefs of the Methodist Church and is attributed to the works of its 18th century founder and leader John Wesley. Wesleyan Quadrilateral is referred to in the Methodist Church as our theological guidelines. The four-score system includes: scripture, reason, tradition, and experience. Wesley stated that Scripture alone should determine Christian teaching. The authority of Scripture can logically be divided into two functions, authority as source of truth and as norm for truth. Wesley sees the Bible as both. Reason may be part of a practical theology, provided it is carefully defined. Interpretation of scripture and experience may be evaluated in terms of its reasonableness. Reason can have a role in practical theology. The third belief that John Wesley put in place is tradition. Tradition has sometimes proven to be wrong, and   inconsistent with the truths of scripture as confirmed by human experience. Nobody is perfect and errors of those in religion can become tradition and thus infecting the truth, even if it is unintentional. More importantly than these concerns is the need to acknowledge the importance and strength of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is active in the lives of believers and the Holy Spirit should be given great weight as religious authority only second to scripture but more significant than ancient tradition. With scripture, tradition, and reason in place, humans are prepared to experience the reality of God’s love. That is the fourth attribute in the four-source system that John Wesley adopted. Faith Integration in the classroom Every student in an educational environment comes from a different spiritual  background. Some may have more firm beliefs than others, but it is important that all are treated with equal amounts of respect. Integrating faith in the classroom can be difficult for new teachers because of the vast amount of religious differences each student has. Religion is just another belief and has been a part of the society since the world was first created. It was one of the first thoughts that man had. It is a teacher’s responsibility to integrate some sort of religious discussion in the classroom because it gets the students to think about different cultures and religions that other people in their class follow. It expands their minds to the various different religions and cultures throughout the world. A teacher should design instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment. Also a classroom environment that is centered around respect and a  positive learning environment will lead to a positive education experience for all students. I will also promote student learning by providing responsive instruction that makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process, and timely, high-quality feedback. A good teacher is one who has the ability to learn as much from the students as they learn from him or her. In an effort to match instruction to the needs of students, I will spend much time evaluating the implications of my teaching decisions in the classroom.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Voting Rights Act of 1965

The 1965 Enactment By 1965 concerted efforts to break the grip of state disfranchisement had been under way for some time, but had achieved only modest success overall and in some areas had proved almost entirely ineffectual. The murder of voting-rights activists in Philadelphia, Mississippi, gained national attention, along with numerous other acts of violence and terrorism.Finally, the unprovoked attack on March 7, 1965, by state troopers on peaceful marchers crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, en route to the state capitol in Montgomery, persuaded the President and Congress to overcome Southern legislators' resistance to effective voting rights legislation. President Johnson issued a call for a strong voting rights law and hearings began soon thereafter on the bill that would become the Voting Rights Act.Congress determined that the existing federal anti-discrimination laws were not sufficient to overcome the resistance by state officials to enforcement of the 15t h Amendment. The legislative hearings showed that the Department of Justice's efforts to eliminate discriminatory election practices by litigation on a case-by-case basis had been unsuccessful in opening up the registration process; as soon as one discriminatory practice or procedure was proven to be unconstitutional and enjoined, a new one would be substituted in its place and litigation would have to commence anew.President Johnson signed the resulting legislation into law on August 6, 1965. Section 2 of the Act, which closely followed the language of the 15th amendment, applied a nationwide prohibition against the denial or abridgment of the right to vote on the literacy tests on a nationwide basis. Among its other provisions, the Act contained special enforcement provisions targeted at those areas of the country where Congress believed the potential for discrimination to be the greatest.Under Section 5, jurisdictions covered by these special provisions could not implement any ch ange affecting voting until the Attorney General or the United States District Court for the District of Columbia determined that the change did not have a discriminatory purpose and would not have a discriminatory effect. In addition, the Attorney General could designate a county covered by these special provisions for the appointment of a federal examiner to review the qualifications of persons who wanted to register to vote.Further, in those counties where a federal examiner was serving, the Attorney General could request that federal observers monitor activities within the county's polling place. The Voting Rights Act had not included a provision prohibiting poll taxes, but had directed the Attorney General to challenge its use. In Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections, 383 U. S. 663 (1966), the Supreme Court held Virginia's poll tax to be unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment.Between 1965 and 1969 the Supreme Court also issued several key decisions upholding the const itutionality of Section 5 and affirming the broad range of voting practices that required Section 5 review. As the Supreme Court put it in its 1966 decision upholding the constitutionality of the Act: Congress had found that case-by-case litigation was inadequate to combat wide-spread and persistent discrimination in voting, because of the inordinate amount of time and energy required to overcome the obstructionist tactics invariably encountered in these lawsuits.After enduring nearly a century of systematic resistance to the Fifteenth Amendment, Congress might well decide to shift the advantage of time and inertia from the perpetrators of the evil to its victims. South Carolina v. Katzenbach, 383 U. S. 301, 327-28 (1966). Back to top The 1970 and 1975 Amendments Congress extended Section 5 for five years in 1970 and for seven years in 1975. With these extensions Congress validated the Supreme Court's broad interpretation of the scope of Section 5.During the hearings on these extens ions Congress heard extensive testimony concerning the ways in which voting electorates were manipulated through gerrymandering, annexations, adoption of at-large elections, and other structural changes to prevent newly-registered black voters from effectively using the ballot. Congress also heard extensive testimony about voting discrimination that had been suffered by Hispanic, Asian and Native American citizens, and the 1975 amendments added protections from voting discrimination for language minority citizens.In 1973, the Supreme Court held certain legislative multi-member districts unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment on the ground that they systematically diluted the voting strength of minority citizens in Bexar County, Texas. This decision in White v. Regester, 412 U. S. 755 (1973), strongly shaped litigation through the 1970s against at-large systems and gerrymandered redistricting plans. In Mobile v. Bolden, 446 U. S. 5 (1980), however, the Supreme Court required that any constitutional claim of minority vote dilution must include proof of a racially discriminatory purpose, a requirement that was widely seen as making such claims far more difficult to prove. Back to top The 1982 Amendments Congress renewed in 1982 the special provisions of the Act, triggered by coverage under Section 4 for twenty-five years. Congress also adopted a new standard, which went into effect in 1985, providing how jurisdictions could terminate (or â€Å"bail out† from) coverage under the provisions of Section 4.Furthermore, after extensive hearings, Congress amended Section 2 to provide that a plaintiff could establish a violation of the Section without having to prove discriminatory purpose. The 2006 Amendments Congress renewed the special provisions of the Act in 2006 as part of the Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, Cesar E. Chavez, Barbara Jordan, William Velazquez and Dr. Hector Garcia Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act. The 2006 legislation eliminated the provision for voting examiners.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Fiftieth Gate

The Fiftieth Gate, understanding the past is represented as a continual and dynamic process. Baker gives a holistic representation of his parent's experience of the Holocaust, demonstrating the complimentary relationship between history and memory. This notion is explored in the autobiographical book through the depiction of his parents', and his own past. The barcarole style of the text aids in portraying the interplay between history and memory, enabling a more cohesive representation of the lasting repercussions of the Holocaust.Due to the traumatic tauter of her past experiences, Genie finds historical accounts of the Holocaust confronting to reconcile with her own memories. This tension is depicted by Baker, when he confirms the date of an Action against the Jewish population in Genie's town, â€Å"It was Yon Kipper. You're right. The Action took place on 21 September 1942. † Baker's pursuit of historical accuracy compromises Genie's personal memories, as she feels that c ompared to her own ordeals, history is an insufficient means of understanding the past. She responds: â€Å"I'm right, he says. What an honor. What do you know about Actions?We were standing there like little lambs. Screams, crying. A massacre of weeping lambs,† here, the imagery of a lamb conveys the destruction of both an entire community and the destruction of Genie's childhood innocence. Baker struggles to unite the non-chronological and unreliable nature of memory with his own fastidious historical research, but gradually understands that the two complement each other to give a more open representation of the past. However, the tension between mother and son and hence, history and memory, is seen in the transcript of Baker's interview of his mother: â€Å"Pitch black.Pitch black, that's how I was for years†¦ What do you mean, do I remember? Stop interrogating me. Stop testing me. What, all these years you thought that because I wasn't in Auschwitz like your father I didn't suffer? † The use of transcripts is integral to the eclectic barcarole structure of the text, as the myriad of textual forms demonstrates the ongoing process of understanding the past. The tension between the two discourses is clearly seen, as Baker often finds his mother's memories impossible to vindicate, despite her vivid recollection of the suffering in her past.Genie feels that ere suffering is overlooked, as she has little historical and physical evidence to represent the effects of the Holocaust on herself. As a barcarole text, The Fiftieth Gate explores the dynamic process of understanding the past, and through the interaction between his mother and himself, he highlights the difficulty and importance of reconciling both history and memory. Baker's father, Yogis is often reluctant to delve into his own memories, and cannot fully reconcile his own past with the reality of the present.Rhetorical question conveys Yokel's inability to entirely accept the past, as he retains a child-like degree of optimism: â€Å"Maybe he's still alive. Could be, you know. Could be. Anything can happen. After the war I met people I thought were dead. Have you ever heard such a thing? † The transcript of Yokel's interviews expresses a direct connection to his personal memories. Whilst Yokel's resilience is an admirable quality, it can lead to an attitude of denial. Through Baker's process of interviewing his parents and ascertaining the history of their Holocaust experiences, the past is re-examined and represented in a more comprehensive manner.This transcript is contrasted with a conversation twine father and son, and displays the diverse barcarole style that is integral to the representation of Baker's parent's memories. Chapter 16 begins with a portrayal of the difficulty in confronting the historical details of Yokel's own past: â€Å"l can show you what your father wore when he arrived in Buchwald. ‘ My father seems angry at this latest dis covery. ‘Do you know when he went to the toilet? The color of the agates he wore under his pants? Maybe you can tell me when I last showered or what I did everyday in Auschwitz? However, the chapter ends with Yogis reluctantly expressing a desire to learn the clothes worn by his father. This expresses the ongoing nature of understanding the past, as the ordeals of one's past retain the potential to cause significant grief. This notion is present throughout the novel, and is particularly significant in Yokel's growth as the result of opening up to a more complete understanding of his own memories. Juxtaposition is used to highlight the mutual dependency of history and memory in the process of effectively comprehending the past. Whilst being interviewed, Yogis begins: â€Å"l was born in Wreaking.Baker's commentary follows: â€Å"Wreaking was born before him. In 1657, founded by Bishop Bogus Readdressed who obtained royal permission to colonies the woodlands along the Seminal River. † The direct and impersonal nature of historical discourse, although important, is directly contrasted with Yokel's memory, which is far easier to empathic with. However, we understand that the two complement each other to give a multi-faceted and progressive understanding of the human experiences of the Holocaust, which results in a certain degree of ‘closure'. Although Mark Barker was born after theHolocaust, the ramifications of the events have profoundly affected his own life, and the process of understanding the past is pertinent to Baker himself. Baker states, of himself and his brother , â€Å"†¦ L knew there was something more deliberate in the names chosen for us, an attempt to obliterate not only my parents' foreignness but the memories attached to it†¦ So I decided to put the past back into my name. I have chosen Raphael, the earliest ancestor I can find on our family tree. † The understanding of the past that has been enabled by learni ng of his parent's personal stories have enabled Baker to reconnect to his cultural heritage.This personal progression is integral to the semi-autobiographical nature of The Fiftieth Gate, and represents a significant level of personal growth that Baker has garnered through the discourses of history and memory. Throughout the text, it becomes apparent that Baker has been profoundly affected not only by his parent's experience of the Holocaust, but also by the suffering inflicted collectively on the Jewish population. This is apparent in the elements of ‘Midribs' – the oral and written exploration of biblical texts – that are inserted intermittently wrought the book.Baker briefly recounts the story of Rabbi Hanna Ben Iteration, who was killed by the Romans due to his faith, and subsequently martyred. Whilst being burned, Iteration is asked by his disciples what he sees. He responds, â€Å"The parchment is burning, but the letters are soaring high above me. † This is followed by a poem, â€Å"My parents remember: the fire/the parchment burning/the bodies buried/ letters soaring high, ‘turned to ashen dust. † This element of Midribs is representative of the barcarole style of the text, and conveys Jewish resilience that has lasted millennia.However, Baker subverts the optimism of the original text to convey the horrors experienced by all the victims of the Holocaust. It becomes apparent that this suffering, whilst not directly inflicted upon himself, resounds in the children of Holocaust survivors. The Fiftieth Gate explores the notion of understanding the past through the complimentary discourses of history and memory. Baker demonstrates the implications of this notion through the depiction of himself and his parents, Yogis and Genie. It becomes apparent that understanding the past is not a fixed process, and that it can at times cause tension.

Minority parents and child discipline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Minority parents and child discipline - Essay Example There are differences in the way children are punished by African American/Southern parents compared to their Caucasian/New England counterparts. Such variations are seen in other minority groups like Hispanic Americans, Korean Americans, etc. Chinese and Indian American parents’ methods and attitudes toward child discipline have particularly attracted comment and criticism. For example, in these communities, emphasis on academic excellence is very high. And parents accomplish this by imposing strict controls over her their children’s personal, family and social lives. The children are seldom allowed to indulge in extracurricular activities, get any grade other than an A, and not master musical instruments at a young age. Behind this grand ambition for her children, there goes a lot of hard work from all involved. And it is due to this kind of strictly regimented, industrious and highly ambitious life-style imposed on their children that they were able to achieve so muc h success in such a short time. The parents are of the firm conviction that they are the best judges of what is good for their children and resolutely act to attain those goals. Hence what might come across as child abuse at first might actually be effective child rearing practice when seen in the larger context. The problems arise, when punishment comes in conflict with state and federal laws for child protection.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ethical Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical Business - Essay Example ole of the government, whether as a source of guidance and support, or as a barrier to ethical business and responsible business approaches, is also discussed. Carroll (1979) defined responsible business according to four dimensions: economic responsibility, legal responsibility, ethical responsibility, and a discretionary responsibility. This last dimension refers to volunteerism, such as corporate philanthropy, which is not exactly required by society, but is totally appreciated. (Michael & Alan, 2008) Responsible business can also refer to the commitment of the company to operate in â€Å"an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner while balancing the interests of a diverse stakeholders†. (Responsible Business) Stewardship in business is defined by Hartman as â€Å"the responsibility companies have to understand and manage their impacts on the environment in any number of ways†. Managers as stewards of companies have to make profits, and at the same time, are expected to act responsibly when making decisions, respecting the rights of others (Jennifer), that is, the rights of others for a safer and healthier environment. Businesses are expected to operate within the legal framework set by the government. Some managers would rather pay fines for breaking the law in order to generate more profits for the organization (Jennifer). This is just unacceptable and does not constitute responsible business. Ethics are standards of moral behaviour (Nickels, 2010). Society dictates an ethical behaviour, since it is society that determines what behaviour is accepted as either right or wrong. Business acting ethically, and respecting consumer needs and demands, can be significant from a public relations point of view. The European Commission defined CSR in 2006 as â€Å"a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis† (Malte

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

APPLEBY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

APPLEBY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Essay Example t of procedures to answer the question; gathers the necessary evidence; comes out with new findings that were not determined in advance; and, obtains specific findings that are applicable to the parameters of the study. Qualitative research is very efficient and very focused in the objective of obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of particular populations. The main advantage of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue. It provides information about the â€Å"human†side of an issue encompassing potential wide gamut of coverage- beliefs, perspectives, opinions, reflections, and social capital. Qualitative methods are also important in pinpointing and analyzing intangible factors, such as practices, traditions, social status, social capital, social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion, whose role in the research process is crucial and essential. Qualitative methods are also flexible. The research makes room for enhanced spontaneity and adaptation of the interaction between the researcher and the study participant. For example, most of the questions asked are â€Å"open-ended†questions that are not asked in the same manner with each participant. With open-ended questions, the participants get to respond in their own way and in their own words. The responses go beyond qualifiers such as theâ€Å"yes†or â€Å"no.† This kind of research approach is very appropriate since it sought to explore phenomena. The instruments used fosters closer engagement with the respondents. It is characterized by an iterative style of eliciting, obtaining and classifying and explaining responses to questions. There is a use of the semi-structured methods such as in-depth interviews,focus groups, and participant observation. The Corporate Social Responsibility of Appleby is one that creates value for our shareholders

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis of Business Excellence criteria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Analysis of Business Excellence criteria - Essay Example This formula for such unflinching success has come through none of what management books could preach. The story behind the rise of Emirates Group lies in being an opportunist and seeking the opportunity at the right time and solving all their problems as and when they came through. This can be highlighted as one of company’s key strengths. Emirates has been working in a multicultural environment where the company seeks to address whatever shall keep the company motivated and ensure team functions to perform well. The key business practice is to keep things running as they are if they appear good, defying the conventional wisdom of not having any functional fit in the organization. Emirates group is run like a family rather than a management driven organization. It is a fully owned government organization based in Dubai. As a part of business strategy, the company has a policy of not entertaining any alliance and believes in making strategic partnerships with its competitors t o move forward on the path of success. Its range of services includes commercial airlines offering all of passenger, postal and cargo services. It also sells consumer goods in airlines as both wholesale and retail. It also operates in hotels and resorts and engineering products is leisure and destination management (The Emirates group, 2013C). As a part of company strategy, Emirates group does not believe in a fixed organizational structure and has built its company structure based on people strengths. Also, the company does not have a board of directors that comprises of executive and non-executive directors. They have a group of 30 people who discuss an agenda openly. The senior management and HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum act as the sole decision making body. This senior management believes in focussing on details, rather than the bigger picture. Emirates also follow a strategy of hiring people from all across the world. Staff salaries are pegged to their home country base s but recruitment from across the globe has its own economic advantages. Employees get attracted to the company despite its comparatively lower salary because of lack of tax implications in Dubai. This allows the company to have a competitive advantage over its staff costs. The paper is a survey that is based on the EFQM model. It analyses the Emirates Group on nine parameters of the model through survey results. The results are analysed and helps in determining key strengths and weaknesses of the company. Based on the analysis, the paper concludes with recommendations of suggested practices. Methodology In this section, the research methodology has been discussed. It is to be noted that the research was carried out by means of a questionnaire based on the EFQM excellence model. The questionnaire was answered based on the secondary data obtained from various print and online sources. Based on self assessment study, the answers to the questions were formulated, wherein each answer is based on information obtained through secondary source of data. No outside person, group of persons or body corporate was approached for seeking answers to the questionnaire. The question response format was based on a Likert scale of 1 to 6. However, each one of these numbers was defined in terms of attributes as Zero Base, Very Weak, Weak, Acceptable, Strong and Extremely Strong. The scores were assigned as 1

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Information Systems - Risk Management wk3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Information Systems - Risk Management wk3 - Essay Example the challenge it can provide for securing an environment, The User Domain, one of seven domains in an IT infrastructure, is considered to be the domain most at risk for attack and compromise, primarily due to the inherent weakness of the human interaction element. There are several types of attacks on the User Domain that are prevalent, as they can be quite successful against an uninformed or untrained employee. Unnecessary access to User Domains can allow segmentation of various groups peeking into confidential data. Imagine a scenario in which the sales department can look up salaries in HR. This is an unsafe practice and can be mitigated by giving each department its own VLAN. Tipton (2005) Before studying User Doman, it is crucial to understand the essence of user domain. The whole focal point of User Domain is to ensure that segregation of duties is conducted in computer’s main frame. Before attempting to observe the issue, it is essential to understand the focal point of user domain itself. In essence, user domain is defined  as set of objects that allow a user to have controls and permissions. In essence, user domains can overlap. Tipton (2005) Another element of user domains is the fact that is allows users to possess segregation of duties. Segregation of duties allows users to have separate domains and grant permissions. User domains can range from simple user access accounts or it can be a specific domain such as sales, marketing, and managers. In the computing world, the weakest link in user domain is a user that has the least privilege. In essence, the weakest link is based on a hierarchy model in security policies and implementation issues. The weakest link can also be a possible vulnerability that can be exploited. A huge flaw in providing securities even with one’s own organization is outside threats. It is clear that many organizations are in this danger as they constantly battle outside risks on daily basis. For instance, denial of service and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nestl Is The Most Successful Organization Essay

Nestl Is The Most Successful Organization - Essay Example Nestle boasts of manufacturing more than 10,000 different products and sells over a billion products daily. Despite the number of countries wherein Nestle operates globally, their awareness of the importance of integrating local culture in each host country’s operations contributes to their success. They averred that â€Å"there is no one single product for everyone - our products are tailored to suit tastes and habits wherever you are†. The company’s focus and the emphasis are strategically manifested in four words: â€Å"Good Food, Good Life†. In order to sustain the organization’s capability to ensure that their products remain to give maximum nutritional benefits, their Research and Development (R & D) are allocated approximately CHF 1.5 billion annually to continually innovate and renovate existing products. Nestle has instituted a unique program which combines financial success with corporate social responsibility. The company coined the progr am â€Å"Creating Shared Value† to encompass the following: â€Å"using our core business strategies and operations to create value for shareholders; serving consumers and the public by offering them nutritious products that are both enjoyable and contribute to their health and well-being; and seeking to improve the economic and social conditions for people and communities across our entire value chain – for farmers who supply us raw ingredients, for communities where our factories are located, for suppliers who work with us and for our trade partners† Nestle: Creating Shared Value, 2010, par. 4)

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Project Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business Project - Dissertation Example The company is also known for its innovation strategies, such as ThinkPad. The company currently employs a total of around 27,000 employees worldwide. The company sells its products in nearly 160 countries and specifically targets the technological markets by way of manufacturing various innovative technology products, which outsells in the market as compared to many of its competitors. The company has been able to gain all round market recognition and popularity. The products manufactured by the company are considered to be of high quality and is widely sold in the global market. The company has also been able to establish itself as a well-known brand in the global market (Schuman, 2009). This paper entails a detailed study about the key factors concerning about the company’s competitive position in the global marketplace. The industrial position acquired by the company in the present marketing scenario, along with its past performances will also be reviewed in the further di scussion of this paper. The discussion in this paper will also encompass various subjects relating to cross-cultural issues that persist in the working environment of Lenovo. The project will highlight upon all those factors that will represent the company’s current position in relation to various aspects, such as balancing pressures that occur while managing different activities in a large-sized multinational company including marketing and sales, financing activities, supply chain processes and other activities related to administration and support. The report will also emphasise various activities relating to the corporate social responsibility of the company performed to suffice the need of the overall society. It will also highlight those factors, which relates to the profitability of the company and the various procedures that the company can follow in order to raise the profitability and also for fulfilling the demands of the consumers. This paper would thus provide a great aid to acquire a detailed outlook about the actual operations and management policies of the company and help in assessing the actual position of the company in terms of various factors including its financial position, output ratio, level of competency along with its market positioning among various other factors. Chapter 1: Lenovo’s Competitive Position in Its Various Markets In this section, all those aspects that are associated with the competency levels of the company in the global markets will be studied. This part will rigorously analyse the company’s present position and the degree of its stability, as compared to the other players of the global consumer technology industry. From a generalised point of view, reviewing the current trends in the global consumer technology industry, the company is seen to have a favourable position. The company is a renowned business firm with a huge customer base. Reviewing the strategies of the company, it can be observed that Lenovo’s organisational leadership framework is well versed with the demands of the customers, moving in parallel to the ever increasing demands and following numerous processes of advancement in the features of its products. Accordingly, the company has

Thursday, August 22, 2019

DBQ Reconstruction Essay Example for Free

DBQ Reconstruction Essay The union victory in the Civil War gave four million slaves their freedom, but reuniting the South with the North introduced a new set of significant challenges. The Congress Reconstruction were the efforts to establish and protect citizens rights of freedom. Democrats led to the failure of the Congress Reconstruction by forgiving those who participated in the Civil War who were still in favor of slavery and inequality. This act of Amnesty led to three major obstacles for reconstruction: the emergence of the Ku Kux Klan, the development of black codes, and the Compromise f 1877. The emergence of the Ku Kux Klan was one of the main contributors to the failure of the Congress Reconstruction, leaving open spots for other major events that brought completely down the reconstruction. On November 23, 1868, in Tennessee, General George Thomas explained that the purpose of the Ku Kux Klan was to allow the Southern people that participated in the Civil War to come in union with those who had abandoned the thought of inequality. This gave them the advantage to bring back inequality and kill black men. (Document 2). By forgiving these Southern people, illing freedmen became easy. These people that were being forgiven had the same mentality from before the war, which was involved with the approval of slavery and the inequality there should be because black men werent like white men. Kenneth Stampp, a history professor form the University of California at Berkeley, expressed himself in The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877 about how in May 1872, the Congress developed an Amnesty act to reestablish the right to vote for the majority of those Southerners that had been forgiven. (Document 3). Giving the right to vote to these eople, put the reconstruction in danger. The right of voting allowed Southerners to vote for someone that would still want slavery. Voting for someone with a mentality like that would Just allow slavery back, and thats why The Congress Reconstruction started to fail. Even though the black codes were created with the purpose of giving freedmen equal rights like white men, the codes werent followed correctly and black men were still being discriminated. The black codes were supposed to follow the 13, 14, and 15th amendment, but they werent quite followed the way it was supposed to. Both black and white men were given the same rights, but everything was separated between races, one was for black men and one for white men, showing discrimination. When the black codes were established, black men became freedmen, but even though these men could start living as freedmen, many decided to stay as slaves. In a compilation of these interviews published by Benjamin Botkin in 1945, John McCoy is quoted as saying, l works for Marse John he says one morningJohn, you can go the government say you is free l didnt know nothing what money was, nohow, but I knows Ill git plenty victuals to eat, so I stays (Document 7). The majority of slaves had been slaves through their entire life. These people didnt know how to live themselves. Black men were ignorants on how to live without being a slave, so many, just like McCoy, decided to stay where they were working so their owners would provide them an easier way of surviving even though they were still working as slaves. In 1935, an African-American historian, Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, published a book of the history of Reconstruction where he wrote, Negros who wanted to work must not dabble in politics. Negroes who wanted to increase their income must not agitate the Negro problem in order to earn living, the American Negro was compelled to give up his political power (Document 6). This excerpt of the book shows how black men where not only being discriminated, but being left out politically too. If black men wanted work being freedmen, then they would have to stay out of the political power. White men were powerful and this is why giving up political power wasnt an option, but a forceful act from the white. Black codes were not being followed, white men always managed to find a way to obtain what they wanted. The reconstruction was failing because nobody was respecting laws anymore, and black men couldnt do anything about it besides remaining quiet and following white mens instructions, which became their only real guarantee of surviving. The Compromise of 1877 was created to decide which candidate should be taken as a winner, either Hayes or Tilden, leading towards a decision that helped the Congress Reconstruction fail. As can be seen in the electoral distribution map from the election of 1876, Hayes won by only one electoral vote and lost the popular vote by 254,235. Document 8). The 1877 Compromise was an agreement to take away Northern troops from the South. This agreement was made due to Tildens request so he would let Hayes win. The removal of Northern troops left freedmen without protection, and became easy targets for Southerners to attack. If Hayes wanted to win, he had to accept the request, so he took away the troops because if not, Tilden would have stayed in the power and done worse acts. In November 4 and 5, 1874, the front-page of New York Times published two headlines that announced how Democrats entered he House of Representatives and convert the Congress to be Democratic as well. (Document 5). These Democratic victories helped undermine Congress efforts to help freedmen by creating laws and acts that followed racism ideas. There was no more hope for the reconstruction at this point. Democrats were taking all the power and black men could not do anything anymore. Being free was not an option anymore, but a far away dream instead. Even though black people were given the opportunity to have some rights and equality, the Congress Reconstruction failed because events such as the creation of he Ku Kux Klan, the construction of the black codes, and the Compromise of 1877, kept their old beliefs of slavery and inequality.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The essence of human being, The Grand Inquisitor, Brother Karamozovs Essay Example for Free

The essence of human being, The Grand Inquisitor, Brother Karamozovs Essay The essence of human being Since ancient times by different scientists have tried to give a precise definition of the nature of man. The concept of human nature extremely broad, it can be used to describe not only the greatness and strength of a man, but also weakness and disadvantages. Human nature is unique in its contradictory unity of the material and the spiritual sides. However, with this concept, we can only see the contradictions in tragic way of human nature. A man cannot jump out of him/her body shell, and forget about it. Man is able to realize the contradictions of his nature, to understand that it belongs to the conflicting worlds the world of freedom and the world of necessary physical needs. Not everyone can middle between spiritual and material things. Hence, nobody can find what more important thing is for human being. In legend of Grand Inquisitor, on the main characters, Grand Inquisitor discussed about human nature, he gave own explanation. According to Grand Inquisitor points, the human nature is weak, rebel, materialist, and does not want to possess freedom. However, it is very difficult to give exact definition of human nature, because it depends on individual and every person has own way life. The most important thing in the world is earthly bread. Grand inquisitor said that people cannot live without material things. If somebody gave earthly bread mankind would follow him/her. Even though, there are people who value only heavenly bread; they cannot live without earthly bread, as freedom cannot feed them. Grand Inquisitor said that even if adherents of Jesus will be free. Followers cannot live without satisfying physical needs and they will look for the materialists. These free men will be dependent on materialists, because they do not have anything. Mankind will do anything for earthly bread. Possession of material things brings a satisfaction for people. However if humanity does not possess such satisfaction, then they can destroy everything for a piece of bread. At the end, mankind will proclaim that all actions were done for the common good. The second point is freedom, that it is the most difficult burden for human nature. Grand Inquisitor said that people try to find a tutor in order to he/she was responsible for their actions. In return, people will bow down before him/her, because tutor eliminates because he/she saves people from worries of the decision-making. Moreover, Grand Inquisitor believed that the searching of tutelage is the need for general obedience of humanity. It means that people always will find object of worship. People will destroy each other for their gods, because of everyone thinks that his/her God is the best. Finally, people do not want to make decision by themselves, because eventually they will be charged with actions. The third point is that human nature is weak. Grand Inquisitor believed that not everyone can withstand a spiritual freedom. Since, people try to quickly pass the freedom to those who soothe their consciences. Only a few will be able to live free as a simple human happiness and freedom of conscience are not compatible. For achievement of human happiness, people often deceive, betray and even kill, thus forgetting about the basic moral principles. The fourth point, that humanity is made a rebel. Grand Inquisitor believed that people will always revolt, because they always desire something. if somebody satisfies their wishes, then they will give up him/her. Accordingly, earthly bread, the most important is partially true. People cannot live without satisfying physical needs. People are created so that their body requires constant energy. If people do not have basic living conditions, they will do everything to achieve the goal. If people physical provide their basic needs such as food, clothing, and dwelling, they can think about other things. Consequently, the next step is spiritual self-development. Unfortunately, not all develop themselves, because some people think that possession of wealth is the development of humankind. Freedom is the hardest thing for human nature. Furthermore, people do not want to care, make decision by themselves. It means that most of people do not want to bear responsibility. Thus, there is a prejudice about responsibility. Many people believe that the responsibility is the obligation for a certain action. The duty is when people are forced to do something without desire by external factors or other people. Accordingly, responsibility is own desire of real understanding that things which happens in life. Every human being can be obligatory and at the same time irresponsible. It means that, when every person takes a job position, he/she has certain functions and duties. For example, a cook in the student cafeteria has own responsibilities and functions. Chef can cook unpalatable or undercooked food, but nevertheless he/she has fulfilled him/her obligation. Hence, everyone can perform own duties and functions, however do own job irresponsibly. Every man is weak or strong in own way, it depends on the person. When a person is born, his soul as glass, clear and transparent. All the good and bad (Grand Inquisitor’s points of human being) traits are laid in man. With time the glass gets dirty and dusty, also the soul become dirty and dusty, but some souls stay in pure condition. Moreover, not all souls can clear themselves from mud and dust. Purity of the soul is an attribute of morally the strongest people. Unfortunately, not everyone is born and can be a strong morally. That’s why, some people are susceptible to defects such as material things, lies, betrayal, and so on. Development of defects in human soul depends on the external and internal factors. For example, manifestation of soul disadvantages may occur due to bad upbringing. If the parents are not paying enough attention to own child, do not develop in him/her the moral qualities or maybe even the parents themselves do not have any moral character thus being an example to own child. In broad terms, a person can be described as creature possessing the will, the mind, the higher senses, ability to communicate and work. However, to give a more precise definition of the essence of man is very difficult, because it depends on individual. Grand Inquisitor did good and logical points about human nature, but if these points really describe the essence of every person, then a society, which Grand Inquisitor wanted create, would exist until to the present day. The essence of human nature depends on many factors, for example moral principles, perception and understanding of world, beliefs, aspirations and so on. Consequently, the nature of humanity depends on way of life that every person chooses in life.

Business ethics

Business ethics Introduction Business ethics is a well-institutionalized academic field, which deals with the moral dimension of business activity. In the context of international business, it means the treating of moral questions of international cultures and countries. International business should be sensitive to the environment and not just selfish for its own profits. Ethically, safety comes first and the profit comes last. The various issues that ethics target are diverse environmental concerns, animal welfare issues, labor practices, fair trade, health concerns, genetic modification, patenting of genes, cloning etc. International business is both more exposed to a variety of ethical conditions as well as in a position to exploit business ethics due to the sheer size an international company has. The end result of an ethical judgment entails its authenticity from being morally correct. But moral correction itself is a relative concept and is based upon the cultural perceptions as well as traditions. The in ternational market and business arena can be ethically segmented into thedie hard, thedont cares, and the various groups in between. Companies all around the world are coming under scrutiny from governments, shareholders, customers, trade unions, human-rights groups, and others to prove that their activities are conducted in ethical ways. Findings 2.1. Ethical dilemmas 2.1.1. Decision making Ethic, which is a managerial dilemmas to organization profits, this conflicts between economic activities and its social performance. The economic performances are measured by the organization benefits, revenue and the social performance are measured by the organizations obligation to people. Besides of attempting maximize businesss profits, all companies and organisations should solve these dilemmas in a case-to-case basis, due to the fact that there is not any general prescription , managers prediposetions are towards certain choices because of their own levels of moral development. The definitions of what isright according to the organization in which they work the informal cultural preferences and sanctions, and the pressures of the immediate situation. Acting without reflecting on these conditions could produce potentially unexpectedly results. But this is not easy because managers are subjectively involved in the situations themselves. In most ethical dilemmas that businesses face to, they may have choices to perform. Furthermore, they should compare each choices to the part of moral stage. These choice should be reflected organizational values and beliefs. Government, through laws and regulation, may help establish the meaning of ethics. However, an effective solution to the dilemma must contain a mechanism in which ethical considerations become a central part of operations. A key component in ensuring ethical performance by modem corporations is the integration of moral reasoning throughout the organization. 2.1.2. Ethical frameworks 2.2. Profitability 2.2.1. Priority for businesss profits The wordssocial responsibility may be famous among some companies but may be unimportant to others. if a company aims to maximize profit in the long run, the company has to recognize some social obligations such as being socially responsible, which may increase their cost. An activist approach should be implemented by protecting the welfare of society, preserving the environment and contributing positively as a socially responsible institution. Furthermore, most businesses in todays world are stressing on the importance of being ethically responsible and maximizing profit is not the main priority. One view of social responsibility suggests that economic responsibilities are of the greatest magnitude in an organization. This view is in relation to the classical or purely economic view. Firstly, economic responsibilities are to manufacture goods and services to be sold at a revenue and being compliant to societal commandment and regulations. As explained, the classical view states the primary priority of maximizing profit for an organization as long as it constitutes to the minimum requirement of the economic and legal responsibilities. The meaning of economic responsibilities is similar as classical view as both stresses on profit making compared to upholding social services and producing social goods for the comfort of the society. Even the founder of Atlanta business community perceives that the economic responsibility was to make a profit (Joyner and Payne, 2002: pp. 9). Although socioeconomic view also stresses on the maximization of profit, but this aim is regarded, as th e second priority and not the first, like classical view. Consequently, it can be seen that the classical or purely economic view suggests that economic responsibilities are of the greatest magnitude in an organization as its main priority is profit maximization, which is the main economic responsibility. A company, which only has profit maximization as primary priority from classical view may as well suffer through legal approaches if they do not constitute to protecting the welfare and environment. 2.2.2. Organizational obligation Companies are supposed to have, an increased awareness of its role in the society, as they have the force in the modern globalize environment and hence they have the obligation to contribute in order to improve the society in which they live too. In addition, managers in highly visible positions in the organization should try to be ethical, because they have the power to play a key role in transmitting and diffusing codes of ethics.Indeed, acting ethically may make the difference between survival and closure of an organization. 2.2.3. Reputation reward In todays competitive environment, any adverse impact on the companys image can lead to a significantly decline in its competitive position. The rewards to organizations and managers supporting ethical cultures include increased efficiency in daily operations. Management of ethical and legal risks is not merely about conforming to rules and regulations, but in that way managers can protect the companys image and their reputation. In facts, company regularly pays attention to its ethics, which is the image that could portray a strong positive to the public. People relize the organizations as valuing people more than profit, as striving to operate with the utmost of integrity and honor. Customer nowadays have paid more attentions to ethical businesses. As customers being more ethical conscious and social responsible, they recognize more value to companies that act in a moral way and reward managers that operate those organizations. The inner benefit of virtue and the prudent to be ethical is an important motive for managers to act that way. 2.3. The possibility to balance ethics and profits The issue of effectively integrating ethics into business decision making is a major area of debate confronting todays corporate leaders. Persistent media reports of unethical behavior by corporations, business executives, and governmental officials highlight the need for effective solutions to the ethics dilemma. The ethics dilemma derives from the perceived conflict between the traditional corporate objective of profit maximization and the overall desire for increased social welfare. Although ethically responsible business practices are generally desired, opinions about what these practices are and how they should be encouraged are diverse. The complexity of the current business environment complicates the development and implementation of resolutions to ethical issues facing industry. after a company tries to maximize profit, could bring the company down in the future. Coelho, McClure and Spry (2003) state,If logging an area enhances short-run profits, managerial income may be increased. However, the downside is the potential litigation that will reduce the firms wealth not to mention the additional moral hazard if the damage that is caused is potentially greater than the wealth of the firm. This shows no matter how much earnings a company may be maximized; its consequences for not being socially and ethically responsible would cause a bigger problem from the company in the future. 2.3.1. Examples of ethical and unethical organizations NIKE Nike is known as one of the leading shoes manufactures in the worlds. It has large number of factories STARBUCKS Starbucks has won a number of ethics awards and has been recognized as a role model of social responsibility. The companys first priority is taking care of the employees in its retail stores who communicate with and serve customers. Starbucks managers believe that by taking care of these employees, the company can provide long-term value to shareholders 2.3.2. Possibility to intergrate ethics to doing business In this world, people all understand not all things is right according by law, is ethical too. In doing business, leaders should focus on the organizations responsibilities rather than the rights. To begin with, organizations must consider and accept broader criteria for measuring the its performance and social role than those required by law and the market place. Many times companies may not need to apply the law or the moral code of the organization, because either those are insufficient to solve the specific problem or by implementing the law may lead to actions that are not ethical enough. Doing business must take define stands on issues of public concern and advocate ethical norms for the organization, the industry, and business in general. Ethical issue is the effective way to create and maintain a productive and ethical culture within the organization. An ethical management climate contributes to profits by reducing the cost of business transactions, establishing trust for doing business. Business ethics are considered in many businesses as a source of increased profits and competitive advantage. Moreover, ethical businesses help the bottom line by improving competitive advantage through improved performance and fewer negative events that damage corporate reputation. An ethical climate builds a strong competitive position that has been shown to positively affect business performance and innovativeness. Customers are likely to switch to brands associated with companies that have a good ethics reputation, if price and quality were equal. On the other hand, unethical behavior could trigger disloyalty and a switch to a competitors brand.As consumers are responding to ethically concerned businesses, being ethical can be ex tremely profitable. a business with high moral and ethical responsibilities will obliquely attract the attention of consumers, producers, suppliers even employees and this enhances its reputation as a socially responsible company. Then, being ethical and protecting the society and welfare will secure the business lots of money in terms of less fines and litigation. The company would even be safe from publicity of its appalling movements towards the society, especially with the high technology advancement today. With good status, the company would be assured of a good prospect in the future. Hence, businesses and companies should practice the socioeconomic view as they can implement both protection and preservation of welfare and environment, and, maximize profit in the long run, rather than merely maximizing profit as long as it constitutes to the legal requirements. There are many organizations in the world have created successfully ethical climate Conclusion To conclude with, some economists support that the ethics coexist with the enterprising practice and that the social responsibility of an enterprise is to provide products and services in a profitable and moral way, and overcame the problems of fraud, existence of monopolies, big rally of economic force in the hands of few, poor and the wastefulness of natural resources as well.In the frames of this new environment, the businessman beyond his traditional activities acquired also two new; he takes into consideration in each decision the wider economic and social consequences that arise from his actions, and collaborates with the government in the application of public policy. In that way not only the whole economy is improving with positive results for the manager and the enterprise, but also has been achieved resolution of such socio-economic problems, that if they were left unverifiable would give the stimulus for bigger requirements of interventions in the operation of enterprises. In addition, the social sensitivity is essential, because if problems, such as the pollution of environment or the reduction of raw material, were not be faced directly, then in some years the society will be led to socio-economic and environmental destruction, so manager and the enterprises will collapse. Besides, there is no point to say whether are applied or not egoistic practices, but whether a manager recognizes and achieves his obligations, as they have been extended to include also the application of moral rules. Recommendation References bibliography

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Fatherhood Movement Essay -- essays research papers

Throughout the United States, more than one-third of children don't live with their biological fathers, and about 17 million of those children don't live with any father at all. Of those, roughly 40 percent haven't seen their fathers in the last year. The over 500 Father's Rights organizations are trying in a variety of ways to change these statistics because they believe that fathers are necessary to the intellectual, psychological and emotional well- being of all children. "Family values" groups encourage long lasting stable, marriages and tough divorce laws to increase the number of two- parent households. Some organizations focus on reasonable child support and visitation, as well as creative joint custody arrangements to combat fatherless ness after divorce. Still other sects within the movement encourage responsible fatherhood through counseling for "Deadbeat" or "Dead-broke" Dads, job training and placement to increase the likelihood of child sup port payments and educational seminars to teach men how to be emotionally supportive fathers. The unique coalition of conservative pro-marriage groups, white middle-class divorcà ©es and low- income fathers is an unusual alliance. But regardless of philosophical and tactical differences, the essential mission is the same- to improve the relationship between our nation's fathers and their children. A Brief History Throughout the 18th and 19th Centuries, wives and children were considered property of the husband. Divorce was very rare, but when it did occur, children would automatically become custody of the father. Even if a father died, his wife was not assured custody of the children unless his will explicitly stated so. In the Early 1900's, courts and state legislatures began to support maternal rights, viewing the mother as the more nurturing parent. The "tender years" doctrine, implemented in many states, encouraged courts to place young children with mothers because mothers were seen as essential to emotional development. The maternal preference continued to increase throughout the 1950's and 60's. With the spread of no-fault divorce laws throughout the late 1970's, and the increase of women's participation in the work force, women were more able to obtain divorces from unhappy marriages. Maternal preference in custody battles gave women a huge advantage, and a vast ... ...hers Manifesto or Dads Against the Divorce Industry, who use feminist bashing, gay bashing and make up outlandish statistics to support their cause. Aside for the fact that they support the repeal of the 19th Amendment, the Father's Manifesto web site includes a non-sensical graph which proves that 0% of 12th grade girls know anything about math and/or physics! Although I understand that many of these men are angry and frustrated, they will achieve nothing by make ludicrous claims and discriminating against women and homosexuals. Groups like this serve as easy targets for people opposing the movement, and reflect badly on educated reformers who see a need for change. I think that in order to be successful as a movement, positive Father's Right's organizations should distance themselves from the fringe groups, and try to make a cohesive movement excluding the reactionary organizations. Overall, I think that this movement focuses on a problem that many policy makers have ignored for two long. Our children do need fathers, and while I don't necessarily agree with the different ways these groups want to achieve their goals, I commend their efforts and think this is an important cause.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Castles :: essays research papers

Castles remind us of a time that was full of adventure and romance. Castles remind us of a time in history in which there was a lack of government and order. Although there was not mass confusion and anarchy, there was less order. Castles were the basis of feudalism. Castles can be seen as a manifestation of feudal society. Feudalism started with the rise of castles and ended with their end. The castle set the tone as the only homestead that nobility would live in during this time. Castles were influenced by and influenced many medieval cathedrals in Europe. Although castles served many purposes, their primary purpose was military. At that time, people were not protected by merely shutting and locking a regular wooden door. They needed the protection of castles and their knights. The lords and constables of castles needed serfs to work the land to make revenue in order to pay rent to the more important nobles. Given the following evidence, it is relatively obvious why castles and castle building played an instrumental role in the development of Western Europe. Castles are unique to a time in history known as medieval times. The word medieval in our times is an insult to anything as is the word feudal. Through the haze and ruins, one can imagine dungeons, chivalrous knights, and mighty Lords who ruled the land and protected the common peasant from barbarians and other invaders. The rise of castles marked the rise of feudalism. This was all started by the crusades. The majority of the knights and nobles went to liberate the holy land from the Muslims. The Crusades influenced castle builders back in Europe. Ideas were gathered from Muslim and Byzantine fortifications. Because of the lack of protection in Europe, a castle's strength needed to be increased because of the ever-present threat of a Muslim invasion. The end of Feudalism also marked the end of the middle ages and hence the end of the great castle era. Castles integrated the combination of residence and fortress. The first castle dates back to King Sargon II of Khorsabad in ancient Egypt. He erected a grand palace for himself to protect him and his subjects. The first recorded references to castles was the Edict of Pistes by Charles the Bald, king of the West Franks. "We will and expressly command that whoever at this time has made castles and fortifications and enclosures without our out permission shall have them demolished by the First of August" (Brown Architecture of Castles 13). Other castle laws were the Norman Institutions handed down by William the Conqueror after he took over England. One law says that no one shall

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Global Warming - We CAN Make a Difference Essay -- Greenhouse Gases Ef

Global Warming - We CAN Make a Difference What is global warming, and how is it affecting the Earth and its inhabitants? The greenhouse effect and global warming both correspond with each other. The green house effect is incoming solar radiation that passes through the Earth's atmosphere and heats the earths surface. It absorbed much of the outgoing infrared radiation re-radiated by the Earths surface. As they absorb the infrared the atmosphere becomes warmer. The gases key to this process are water vapor and carbon dioxide and methane. The natural greenhouse effect has kept the Earth's average surface temperature around 33 degrees Celsius, warmer than it would be if there were no atmosphere. The natural gases in the greenhouse effect are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), as well as other trace gases. Life could not exist if there was no natural greenhouse effect. The reason for the natural greenhouse effect is so that all the creatures living on Earth can live and breathe. The global warming refers to a long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth. The greenhouse effect may be what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to occur in the coming decades. What are potential consequences to high global air temperature? The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature rises occurring in winter. Storms would become more severe all around the world. The Northern Hemisphere will dry out and a greater occurrence of lightning strikes will set massive forest fires. The burning of the Earth by natural and man-made forest fires will release large quantities of carbon dioxide into ... ...ler, Mercedes and Honda are working on hybrid cars that use two engines, one electric and the other gas-powered. They successfully combine the speed and range of a gas-fueled car with the eco-friendly benefits of an electric one. Plant materials and animal waste is being used to produce cleaner fuels such as ethanol and methanol. In addition to sugars and corn kernels new woods and grasses are being grown to produce alcohol fuels. Municipal solid waste is already being drilled to collect methane. The methane can then be gasified to produce clean-burning hydrogen, or fermented into ethanol. All of these things together can make a huge impact on our Earth and our atmosphere. I think that man is the primary cause of global warming and we can do something about it. But if we continue to live as we do now, there could be major consequences to suffer in the future.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Philippine Canning Corporation Case Essay

I. Issues that Azucena Inalis must take into consideration. There seems to be two major issues that PCC must tackle in its ‘corned beef venture’; 1) where should PCC get its raw materials? (beef) and 2) Where does PCC source its debt? When it comes to the outsourcing of beef, PCC is considering Argentina, Australia, and/ or India. There are a number of concerns that must be addressed when it comes to importing raw materials from any one of these countries: 1) Political and Legal Considerations 2) Economic Performance and Management 3) Government Protectionist Policies The matter of sourcing debt is relatively simple because there are only two options being deliberated; 1) Denomination in Philippine Pesos, or 2) denomination in US Dollars. II. Evaluating the Issues 1) Political and Legal Considerations Argentina is widely considered to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Argentina scored 35/100 on the Transparency International rating as of 2011. 0/100 would be extremely corrupt while 100/100 would be clean. Crime rates as well as poverty are known issues. There is high risk as far as the political considerations in Argentina are concerned. India scored 36/100 on the Transparency International rating as of 2011. 0/100 would be extremely corrupt while 100/100 would be clean. Australia is would be considered in a low risk bracket, there is a strong legal system in operation and there is high confidence in government Australia scored 85/100 and they are well recognized for their efforts to stymy and eventually eradicate corruption and poverty altogether. 2) Economic Performance and Management Taken from | Instituto Nacional de Stadista ^ The latest reported inflation rate for Argentina is 10.5% for this month. It has been steadily decreasing from a high of 11.1% in early February  (Instituto Nacional de Estadista, 2013) but it has been forecasted to increase to 10.8% by mid-October. Taken from | Ministry of Comerce and Industry ^ India’s latest reported inflation rate is 4.86%. It has also been decreasing but in a more rapid rate compared to Argentina. From 10% in late 2011 to a sudden drop to7-8% in early 2012, and a gradual decrease to 6.68-7.5% in late 2012 and early 2013. Taken from | Australian Burau of Statistics ^ Inflation in Australia From 2010-2012, Australias inflation has been in the 2.1% (low) to 3.6% (high) region. Inflation went as low as 1.2% in the mid-2012, and gradually increased back to 2.5% through late 2012 and the first quarter of 2013. In the second quarter of 2013 however, inflation is back down to 2.4%. As far as inflation is concerned, the Australian economy is outperforming both Argentina and India by the proverbial mile. Let’s take a look at economic management. Indian Central Bank Base Interest Rates (Historical) Retrieved from (2013) The current base interest rate is 7.25%. It has fluctuated in recent years from 5% in 2010 to 8.5% in early 2012- probably to control inflation; it was during this period that India’s inflation rate suddenly dropped frombeen on the decline from a high 8.5% in early 2012. This may be an explanation as to why India’s inflation dropped from 10% to 7+%. Retrieved from: (2013) 11.38 is the current base interest rate for Argentina. It has been moving in the 9-12% range since early 2012 3) Government Protectionist Policies REFERENCES Transparency International (2013) The Global Coalition Against Corruption; Corruption by Country/ Territory. Retrieved from: Trading Economics (2013) Inflation Rates. Retrieved from :

Friday, August 16, 2019

Obesity Essay

First literature review When people talk about obesity and health in America, it is usually all the same kinds of things. People are aware that America has a problem with obesity, but is anyone really doing anything about it? There are different programs that try their hardest to get people active and eating healthy but that only does so much. When older folds talk about the subject, they bring up the conversation of â€Å"when I was a kid, we didn’t have any of the unhealthy fast-food restaurants like we do today. They see this generation today as lazy and unwilling to try to make an effort to eat healthy. On the other hand, there are the kids that think the fast-food industry is the greatest thing ever invented. It’s the â€Å"easy way out,† to eating. Fast-food chains are overly available so in the time and need to eat, it is so easy to just run through the drive-thru and grab some food. The advertising of fast-food restaurants is so appealing these days that they are looked at as a good thing. They may try to provide a healthy menu, but is it really any better then the rest of the unhealthy menu? Think about how the food is really made, how it got to the restaurant, and how the factories process the food. I’m sure a salad is no doubt healthier then a hamburger but is that salad fresh? Do the workers at McDonalds go out to the back garden and pick the lettuce and tomato? It comes from factories that manufacture the â€Å"healthy product. † This topic on obesity and health is complicated in a number of ways. First is, is it really Americas problem to define the country as a whole as being obese and unhealthy? The second being, it’s a lifestyle that America has adapted to, meaning we are so used to being around fast-food restaurants, that it’s a ‘normal’ thing to do. America is the land of the free. Why should it be anyone else’s business what others put into their bodies? It all goes back to the personal accountability aspect. What you decide to put into your body is up to you. It shouldn’t be America’s problem. America has gotten used to eating unhealthy because it’s so easy to do so. We have so many options in restaurants and in food choices. If America really had a problem with the obesity in this country, why isn’t anyone desperately trying to end it? People can talk all they want but actually accomplishing that is a whole other story. Obesity and unhealthy lifestyles as a topic is an important issue. Our bodies replicate as a â€Å"factory,† you need to put healthy things into it to keep all the equipment from shutting down. Your body needs specific ingredients to maintain function. Some examples would be, water, fruits, vegetables, and meats. Water hydrates your body and keeps what needs to be flowing, flowing. Fruits and vegetables run as an energy source for your body. They keep you running. Without the maintenance in the factory, it will shut down. Your body acts in the same way. There are many different people that think about the topic in many ways. There are arguments that are both pro and con. Some of the people that are going to be talked about throughout the essay are Zinczenco, Balko, Warner, Haygood, Obama, Pollan, Maxfield, Orbach, and Freeman. A brief description about each of these authors will first be addressed and then further along in the essay they will be covered in more detail. Zinczenco talks about in his article, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater,† government and the statistics about the fast-food industry. Balko goes into detail about how people are becoming less responsible for their own health and more responsible for everyone else’s. Warner says in his article that people have gotten used to the bad eating habits. It’s the simple and easy way to satisfy their hunger. Those are just a few of the articles that are going to be discussed. Before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a genetic disorder. Only about 5 percent of childhood cases were obesity related, or Type 2, diabetes. Today, according to the National Institutes of Health, Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country. Also money to treat the diabetes has gone up extremely high. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that diabetes accounted for $2. 6 billion in health care costs in 1969. Today’s number is an unbelievable $100 billion a year. Zinczenko has a very valid point when he says, â€Å"advertisements don’t carry warning labels the way tobacco ads do. Prepared foods aren’t covered under Food and Drug Administration labeling laws. The fast-food industry would be doing well in protecting themselves if they were to provide the nutritional information people need to make informed choices about their products. If you were to drive down any road in America, there is a really good chance you’d see more then one of the 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants, but trying to find somewhere that sells a healthy grapefruit is another story. The fast food industry will contain a calorie count of the food you will be eating but it will be the bare minimum. They will not add in the dressing for the salad or the almonds and noodles, those will come separately. There will be a small print on the back of the container saying the dressing actually contains more than one serving. Adding it all together, you have yourself a over 1,000 calorie meal, which is half of the government’s recommended daily calorie intake. Radley Balko says in his article that congress is now considering menu-labeling legislation, which would force restaurants to send every menu item to the laboratory for nutritional testing. People are becoming less responsible for their own health and more responsible for everyone else’s. Our government should be working to foster a sense of responsibility in and ownership of our own health and well-being. Balko says that President Bush earmarked $200 million in his huge budget for anti-obesity measures. School boards across the nation have begun to ban snack and sodas from school campuses and vending machines in order to bring the obesity level down. The best way to alleviate the obesity â€Å"public health† crisis is to remove obesity from the realm of public health. If policymakers really want to stop obesity they would stop the socialization of medicine and move to return individual Americans’ ownership of their own health. The government should also give the option of rolling money that is reserved for health care into a retirement account. Like Zinczenko says in his article â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater. † â€Å"Kids taking on McDonald’s this week, suing the company for making them fat. Isn’t that like middle-aged men suing Porsche for making them get speeding tickets? † It all comes back to personal responsibility. Your well-being, shape, and condition have increasingly been deemed matters of â€Å"public health† instead of matters of personal responsibility. All of the Democratic candidates for president boasted plans to push health care further into the public sector. At a time when more than two thirds of American adults are indeed far and 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese, declaring war on unhealthful eating, as the Obama administration has done to an unprecedented extent, could be fraught with political liability. Trying to teach children and Americans, healthier eating habits seemed so commonsensical a venture, Michelle Obama chose it for her apolitical personal project. She has succeeded in enlisting some bipartisan support, and some much hyped cooperation from the food industry. You can’t change specific eating behavior without addressing that way of life, without changing our culture of food. You need to present healthful eating as a new, desirable, freely chosen expression of the American way. David Kessler, the former U. S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner, says â€Å"in the space of a generation, cigarettes stopped being portrayed as â€Å"sexy and cool† and started to be seen as â€Å"a terribly disgusting, addictive product. But because of the unique emotional power of food, it’s hard, if not impossible, to similarly stigmatize unhealthful eating. † Americans will not adopt a new way of eating any time soon, because for years now, people have gotten used to eating the way they do. It’s the simple and easy way to satisfy their hunger. People have gotten lazy in the way they eat and look for the easy way out. Instead of taking the time to prepare something healthy and nutritional, people tend to sit in their cars, drive around a building in which they are buying food, and eat it on the way home. What happened to setting the table in your home and preparing a home cooked meal in which everyone participates in and then enjoying it all together afterwards? It all comes down to laziness. Trying to change the way people see food and the way they eat is something that will not happen overnight. It will take time for people to realize that the things they eat at fast-food restaurants will hurt them in the long run, whether it’s a once a week thing, or a once a day problem, it is going to affect people’s health. There are organizations that try so hard to teach everyone the risks and problems of unhealthy eating, but is anyone really listening? Do people see the advertisements and really take the time to sit down and study it more closely? In a magazine there might be a page that shows a picture of a person that has been eating fast food their entire life and now has many health problems, but is that going to be the page you stop on and suddenly change your way of eating? Or are you going to continue on some more and stop where you see a big juicy burger from McDonalds and go out and buy one? It all comes down to laziness. In a town where everyone knows everyone it is difficult to keep yourself hidden. The town of Manchester, Kentucky has an overall population of 2,100 people. Everyone is very close with each other due to the bake sales, and volunteering. But it is what goes uncelebrated and even ignored that has become Manchester’s defining feature. In an increasingly unhealthy country, it is one of the unhealthiest places of all. The national obesity rate for adults is 24 percent; in Manchester and the surrounding counties, its been estimated as high as 51 percent. The article explains the layout of the town in a way that just makes it seem miserable. â€Å"The town has a retro, lived-in look. The downtown movie theater is gone, through the marquee is still visible. There has clearly been economic suffering. There is a medium-security federal prison on the edge of town, out past the gas stations that sell fried chicken and pizza. The intersections leading into town features a McDonald’, a Wendy’s, and Arby’s and a subway. And just beyond that, there’s a Burger King, A Long John Silver’s, a Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken and a Pizza Hut. Hardly anyone in the town gets out and is actually active anymore. A father of two girls, says that ever since he went through the breakup of his wife, his eldest daughter had gone into an emotional tailspin, that has lead her to overeat and seclude herself in her bedroom where she spends hours on her computer. The daughter had gone to the doctors and was told that she was 30 pounds overweight and is on the borderline of diabetic. Jill Day has been studying for her doctorate in kinesiology and health promotion. She grew up in Kentucky and decided to go back to do a study on the obesity rate. Her subjects were fourth and fifth grade students. Her study would be the first of its kind that focuses on the underlying causes of obesity. The students fell into the categories of healthy, underweight, overweight, and obese. She says she had estimated in her head that one-third of the kids in Manchester would be overweight or obese. It happened to be half of them. Jill Day had spent two years on her study. Michelle Obama addresses the people and then proceeds to express her gratitude by thanking the members of NAACP. Michel Obama and her husband believe that this organization is one whose legacy is not to take advantage. They believe it’s an obligation that shall be fulfilled with the upmost respect. We as mothers need to prepare are children for the future and the challenges that lie ahead. Michelle Obama believes that childhood obesity is a major epidemic in America today. Obesity can lead to harmful conditions such as heart disease, cancer, asthma, and diabetes. This isn’t about the way are children look but the health and how they feel. This is a major issue in which has effected many communities but more likely to effect African American children than white. We need to address this problem and reverse this trend. We need to take this issue seriously by asking are selves how we got here in the first place. We live in a society today that is extremely different than what it was when Obama grew up. Michelle grew up in a time where kids walked to school and schools offered recess twice a day. A time where kids didn’t have video games and played outside for fun. Meals consisted of healthy food of reasonable sizes where there were hardly seconds. People these days don’t grow are own food as when are grandparents did. People will now take a trip to the local grocery store or run through a fast food franchise. We can build exceptional schools but without proper nutrition to concentrate they are rendered useless. We can create positions for outstanding job opportunities but without the energy and enthusiasm to perform them they are as well useless. You can offer the best medical care they can buy but when continuing to live unhealthy life styles such as improper nutrition these facilities are as well useless. Michel Obama has made making improving children’s health one of her top priorities. Obama has launched the â€Å"Let’s Move† campaign, which is a program to solve childhood besity so that children of today make it to adulthood at a proper weight. The â€Å"Lets Move† campaign has four components. The first provides information to parents allowing them to make healthier decisions for their families. Health care legislation requires the nutritional information to be posted on all fast food menus. The second component is to establish schools to provide healthy food. This will eliminate sugary foods and provides foods that are more nutrient rich. The third part is to make children more active by encouraging them to ride bikes and walk to school. The fourth component is to ensure all families had easy access to health foods within their communities. If the option is available more people will take advantage of this healthy opportunity. Childhood obesity is a growing trend in America in which is very preventable. With the â€Å"Lets Move† campaign this is the perfect four components to establish a way to save many children from going down the wrong path. Changing the people’s nutritional diet is a difficult task but it can be done, simply by providing more healthy options in schools and in the community. Nutritionist consisting of fats, carbs and antioxidants is a powerful science. Yet the explanation of diet makes this an imperfect science. This article is implementing ways to â€Å"escape from the western diet. † There are as many truths to nutrition as there are myths. For there are many scientific theories on nutritionism, all on which dictate the way you eat. The western diet is characterized by the intake of processed foods and high fatty foods. Many individuals define the western diet as being unavoidable. The western diet is believed to be responsible as the major factor of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Many scientific phenomenons’ all appear to have very much the same solution â€Å"stop eating the western diet. † Theories of nutrition and the curiosity of how things work is valued more by the food industry and the medical community. In order for the food industry to design new processed foods they must first come up with theories that allow them to develop a new line of products. The food industry will use scientific backing to further its production in processed foods. The medical community uses scientific theories about diet to boost their business. They let the new theories allow them to develop new drugs to treat the western diet’s diseases. New treatments and procedures are a major profit beneficiary for their industry. Dennis Burkitt, an English doctor believes the only way to escape from the western diet is to rely on the lifestyles of our ancestors. Burkitt believes to go back to a more primitive way of nutrition where hunting and gathering food was a way to survive. a big majority of the way we get food today is looked at by driving next to a building and having food handed to us through a window. In today’s society the most important factor about food is not the nutritional value but in the way it is processed. The western diet is inexpensive and easy, thus making it America’s number one diet. Throughout history, gathering and preparing food was a career in the survival of daily life. So how do we escape form the western diet? The answer is simple, stop eating the western diet. How is it that other countries can eat so unhealthily yet stay on average, healthier than Americans? Other countries perceive Americans as being unhealthy, yet the word healthy has a broad of definitions. Who defines the nutritional science of healthy and unhealthy? The journalist Michael Pollan, believes that the food industry is the main confusion on how to eat. Pollan believes that the food industry contributes to the cultural society of food. Pollan implicates the elimination of processed foods will encourage a healthier nutritional lifestyle. Pollan is a food critic and a firm believer of the food science of health and nutrition. Pollan has published manuals for better eating in which the guidelines defer the prescriptions of food scientists. Pollan’s food guidelines are more of eating algorithms that produce a number and variety of meals. Many nutritional geniuses back up their information through the concerns of American health. America is a nation that has many western diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Our culture we live in today correlates unhealthy eating to unhealthy weight. Pollan believes that over eating leads to the greatest threat to our survival. America’s government fights against the obesity epidemic, which threatens our national health. Cultural has a major influence on the health-based problems. Despite academic knowledge, common sense can connect diet, health, and weight. Pollan believes that processed foods make us sick and fat, yet no evidence can support that claim. The question of today is, why have Americans become more obese? America has a $50-billion-per-year diet industry that develops weight loss drugs, and articles of the obesity crisis. Throughout the research, BMI, a tool that uses height and weight, was developed to predict heart disease and other maladies. To totally eliminate the American anxiety of nutrition, we need to rise above our animal nature and not complicate the practice of eating food.

League of Legends is Good

League of Legends is a game that is very popular these days. However, nearly every parent hates the idea of his/her children playing this game. Parent only heard the news that a Taiwanese died from playing League of Legends. Also, his/her parent don't want his/her child to get addicted by it. However, moms and dads will never know the pros of the game. I enjoy talking about it with my good friends. Nearly everyone in KISS Paying plays League of Legends, and it is one of the most popular games in the school right now.We even have a secret Faceable group called KISS 7th Grade League of Legends. We like to post mimes, our favorite game match we've had, and some news. If I have a victory, it is so fun to talk about it with my friends. Also, we always laugh if something funny happened in LOL. Because of this, there are usually good relationships between the kids who play LOL. I usually have pride in my achievements, form camaraderie's with other folks online, and gain appreciation of my growing skills. ! Different champions, skills, and champ combinations get me excited.In LOL, there are many champions that a player could use for battle. Currently, there are over 100 different champions, so the player can choose who he/she want to play (the player needs to buy the champion first). It is never boring, because he/she can buy new champions, decorations (a. K. A. Skins), and every champions have their own unique passives and active skills. These features let you fall deep into imagination, a place where you can relieve stress, if used enough. People are terribly mistaken if they think of LOL as a game that only kills other people.Surprisingly, LOL can improve one's cooperation and planning skills, as well as some other things, such as communication skills, vice versa. LOL requires 5 players on each team, who all have different roles. Because everyone has different roles, no one is less important than others. Also, cooperation and communication are the keys to victory. A player need to communicate with your team (in a way they can understand) if he/she want to coordinate a surprise attack. If the player cooperate, the team will sometimes compliment him/her, and form a friendship with the player.The player needs to plan ahead of what he/she are going to do. LOL is a strategy game. The team's victory doesn't happen only because one's skills are good. He/she need to work with his/her team to win. There are many pros for playing League of Legends. It is actually beneficial to people, if they can control their gaming time. It can help them make friends, improve their cooperation/planning/communication skills, and it can excite them, even though they are in a very bad mood. Parents are Just worrying about their children too much,

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Great Expectations: A Character-Driven Novel

The novel, Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is heavily a character-driven novel due to the fact that the sequence of events in the novel are causes and effects of the actions of the characters as well as the interactions between them. The novel mainly depicts the growth and development of an orphan named Pip, who is greatly influenced by the other characters and became a gentleman and a bachelor in the end of the novel through his encounters with the other characters.Pip, as the main character, definitely has a lasting impact on the drive of the novel since his decisions are very instrumental and effective towards the other characters as well as to himself. This phenomenon applies to not only Pip, but to the other characters, especially Estella, Miss Havisham, Joe, and Abel Magwitch. Everything a character does and every encounter between the characters in Great Expectation has an effect on the flow of the plot and situation of the novel. Before the very beginning of the novel, the conflict of the novel is already set in motion.Pip is an orphan at the start of the novel as his parents were long gone and he lives with his sister, Mrs. Joe, and her husband, Joe, the blacksmith. As a result of the two siblings and the older sibling’s husband living together without any parents, the family was relatively poor. Thus, in addition to Mrs. Joe’s strict attitude and the fact that his status is in the lower class, Pip had a rough childhood. The fact that Pip had a childhood full of hardship and is poor sets up for his later decision to become a gentleman through a secret benefactor.When Pip do decides to leave for a new life in London, he upsets Biddy and especially Joe as he recently became an apprentice of his; their life-long friendship falls apart. This is one of the major decisions Pip has to make and it changed the entire course of the plot as the setting of the story shifts from Pip’s first known home in Kent to London since the novel fo llows where Pip goes and the direction of the story changes from Pip’s apprenticeship with Joe in blacksmithing to Pip’s new fortune of a career in a new place.If Pip had not been an orphan or lived with a poor family, the major plot would not have existed as Pip’s transformation to a gentleman is the key. Pip would never have met half the characters of the novel such as his best friend, Herbert, Jaggers, and Wemmick. The novel would be driven into a different direction. Dickens was able to produce a novel that makes sense and that reflects his view of what a â€Å"coming of age† novel would be like by making the main character a poor orphan from the start only to turn him into a wealthy gentleman later and then into a hardworking bachelor.Another beforehand affected character, who has a deep impact towards the novel’s state of conflict, is Miss Havisham as she is the mastermind behind Estella’s cold behavior and wants to get revenge on men just because one man, Compeyson, who is supposed to be her husband, left her on their wedding day before the start of the novel. This one particular major event of Miss Havisham’s life changed her life forever as she was heartbroken and turned into a crazy and vengeful woman.She has ever since lived in the moment when she got the note that her wedding with Compeyson was off as all her clocks stayed at the same time of that moment and she still wears her bridal clothing from back then. The fact that she got rejected by her future husband induced her to hate men in general, to never love them again, and to adopt a child for herself, which happens to be Estella, the long-lost child of Abel Magwitch and Molly. All of this leads to the intimidating duo of Estella and Miss Havisham at Satis House, whom Pip fears and terrorizes him for much of the better first part of the novel.Miss Havisham’s background story sets up for her influence on changing and manipulating the beautif ul Estella’s life as well as Pip’s. Miss Havisham reveals that she has been giving orders to Estella to accomplish her goals for her as Estella is very attractive by acting dispassionate towards her suitors. During Pip’s meetings with Miss Havisham, Pip first thought of the idea of becoming a gentleman and leaving his poor life. When he is informed of a fortune that will due to be his, he thought his secret benefactor was Miss Havisham, so he became confident of her kindness and Estella’s hand in marriage.Miss Havisham drives the plot by giving Pip the idea to leave his first known home away from Joe, Mrs. Joe, and Biddy. In addition, she was thoroughly thought to be the secret benefactor of Pip throughout the novel until Magwitch revealed it was him. Later, Miss Havisham changes her personality and became a totally different person as she regrets the pain she had given Pip and it was assumed she attempted suicide by catching herself on fire, leading Pip to rescue her. This event also influenced Pip to realize that his great expectations are not very significant towards him, but human feelings.Thus, he thanks and prays for Miss Havisham’s well being and made up with Joe and Biddy for leaving them in the first place to be a gentleman. Also, Miss Havisham let Estella go free to do whatever she wants, so she married Drummle. However, she realizes that Drummle is not the man for her and after his death, she meets Pip and finally admits that she now sees that Pip has feelings of love for her. Dickens was once again clever to come up with such a disheartening background story for Miss Havisham that can explain her wild behavior and set up her personality change, which to a great extent affected the lives of Estella and Pip greatly.Another major instance of the plot being greatly influenced include Estella’s background story along with her secret connection to Magwitch and Molly. Estella is also an â€Å"orphan,† but n ot as the same extent to Pip because she was adopted by Miss Havisham and both of her parents were still alive at the start of the novel. Estella’s life changed when there was trouble between her two parents in the past as her mother, Molly, was accused of killing a woman over her real husband, Abel Magwitch, or Estella’s father.Molly was also accused of murdering her daughter, Estella, but she is clearly alive, so that clears up the accusation. Also, Jaggers defended Molly in court by saying she was too weak to strangle another person. Then, the family separated afterwards, which lead the three members of the family to different directions in their lives: Molly became Jagger’s housekeeper, Magwitch became an infamous convict, and Estella was adopted by Miss Havisham. All of these events wouldn’t have happened if Molly was a mentally unstable woman, who thought of murdering someone and had destroyed her own child unbeknownst to her husband.The family†™s past leads them to their new personalities in the novel and were important characters that lead the buildup of the climax of Great Expectations. In conclusion, the novel, Great Expectations, has an outstanding â€Å"Literary Quality† as the course of the novel is greatly affected by the effects of character movement and their involvements with each other. There were many pieces in the novel that has led to an impactful shift towards the novel’s plot and conflict story with each and every character in the novel having some contributions towards it.